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I Want to Donate

Your donation helps with transportation by reimbursement of fuel costs to some volunteer drivers, and also provides funding for special equipment and treatment, as well as for fun days out for the patients and their families.

The donation is direct support by giving a helping hand and bringing together the people on both sides of the fence.

Bank Transfer

Bank Leumi Le’Israel, branch no.954,

Account no. 20710070


IBAN: IL25 0109 5400 0002 0710 070

Donations from outside of Israel


Credit card

Click here and follow instructions


Please specify that the contribution is for The Road to Recovery.

Send a Check

  1. Please make the check payable to Good People Fund.

  2. Earmark funds to 'The Road to Recovery'

  3. Mailing address:

           Good People Fund

            384 Wyoming Avenue

            Millburn, New Jersey 07041 USA

In the U.S. - Good People Fund

New Israel Fund

Bank Transfer

Please visit New Israel Fund page and follow the instructions. Please note:

1. Transfer the donation via your bank - the details are at the bottom of the page.

2. Fill the form in the page (failing to do so will result in your donation not reaching The Road to Recovery).

3. Type 'The Road to Recovery', NIF ID number 51101" in the Gift Designation text box.

4. Submit the form by clicking on the Sumbit button.

Send a Check

  1. Please write the check payable to New Israel Fund, NIF ID number 51101.

  2. Mark the contribution as donor-advised.

  3. Mailing address:

           New Israel Fund

            P.O.Box 70358

            Philadelphia, PA 19176-0358


  • Useful information:

Tax identification number:  94-2607722

Pay Pal

Send Donations with PayPal.

US $

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Donations from Israel

From Israel

Credit Card / Bit

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